
Tug of War Between Bulls and Bears: Who is Winning for Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk (Indo) (ATM.AX) - Glenwood Guardian

Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk (Indo) (ATM.AX) shares are under scrutiny today as the Balance of Power has trended lower over multiple sessions.  The Balance of Power is a simple indicator and it is used in technical analysis to compare the strength of buyers vs. sellers. The BOP oscillates between extremes of -1 and +1. Developed by Igor Livshin, the BOP attempts to measure the strength of buyers vs. sellers by assessing the ability of each to push price to an extreme level. Livshin published this indicator in the August 2001 issue of Stocks and Commodities Magazine.

When compared to technical analysis, fundamental analysis typically uses a longer-term approach. Chartists may use a time horizon of days, hours, or even minutes. Fundamental analysis may track data going back many years. The difference in timeframe between the two can be seen with how each investing style may be used. Traders may only be looking to make quick trades and capitalize on short-term market movements. Longer-term investors may be looking to hold an investment for months or even years. Some investors will use a combination that studies the technicals and the fundamentals. Fundamentals may be used to identify which stock to buy, while viewing the technicals can be used to sort out the timing of the trade.

A commonly used tool among technical stock analysts is the moving average. Moving averages are considered to be lagging indicators that simply take the average price of a stock over a certain period of time. Moving averages can be very helpful for identifying peaks and troughs. They may also be used to assist the trader figure out proper support and resistance levels for the stock. Currently, the 200-day MA for Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk (Indo) (ATM.AX) is sitting at 0.89. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of stock price movements. The RSI was developed by J. Welles Wilder, and it oscillates between 0 and 100. Generally, the RSI is considered to be oversold when it falls below 30 and overbought when it heads above 70. RSI can be used to detect general trends as well as finding divergences and failure swings. The 14-day RSI is presently standing at 92.82, the 7-day is 99.86, and the 3-day is resting at 100.00.

Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk (Indo) (ATM.AX)’s Williams Percent Range or 14 day Williams %R is currently at 0.00. In general, if the reading goes above -20, the stock may be considered to be overbought. Alternately, if the indicator goes under -80, this may show the stock as being oversold. The Williams Percent Range or Williams %R is a technical indicator that was developed to measure overbought and oversold market conditions. The Williams %R indicator helps show the relative situation of the current price close to the period being observed.

We can also take a look at the Average Directional Index or ADX of Aneka Tambang (Persero) Tbk (Indo) (ATM.AX). The ADX is used to measure trend strength. ADX calculations are made based on the moving average price range expansion over a specified amount of time. ADX is charted as a line with values ranging from 0 to 100. The indicator is non-directional meaning that it gauges trend strength whether the stock price is trending higher or lower. The 14-day ADX presently sits at 22.49. In general, and ADX value from 0-25 would represent an absent or weak trend. A value of 25-50 would indicate a strong trend. A value of 50-75 would indicate a very strong trend, and a value of 75-100 would signify an extremely strong trend. At the time of writing, the 14-day Commodity Channel Index (CCI) is 233.33. Developed by Donald Lambert, the CCI is a versatile tool that may be used to help spot an emerging trend or provide warning of extreme conditions. CCI generally measures the current price relative to the average price level over a specific time period. CCI is relatively high when prices are much higher than average, and relatively low when prices are much lower than the average.

When looking at technical analysis, one of the leading concepts is that of the trend. Chartists are constantly looking to identify trends to help determine which way a stock price is moving. Trends may not always be easy to spot, but they can be highly useful when identified. When looking at the stock market, an example of an upward trend is generally classified as a stock price that over time keeps reaching higher highs and higher lows. On the flip side, a downward trend is usually identified by spotting a stock that has been hitting lower lows and lower highs. Defining trends may take the novice trader some time to figure out, but learning how to properly study charts may help bring in steady profits in the future. 

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2019-07-17 11:46:49Z

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